Visualizing and predicting Spotify genre characteristics

similarities between genres and correlations between characteristics

The bubble chart below represents each genre as a bubble. The size of a bubble scales to the total number of tracks whose albums are tagged as that genre, the color is calculated based on the genre's average values for the selected musical characteristic, and the horizontal position of is based on the average value for another selected characteristic. Hover over the bubbles to view genres' musical characteristics.

changing musical relationships

The motion graph below represents each genre as a bubble. The size of a bubble scales to the total number of tracks whose albums are tagged as that genre in the selected year, the color functions as the genre identifier and remains consistent over changes in year, and the position on the (x,y) coordinate system is based on the average values for two selected musical characteristic. Hover over the bubbles to view genres' musical characteristics.

Adjust the slider to view the transformation of audio features from 1960 to 2017.